Advertising Policy

VeryWellTips Advertising Policy

At VeryWellTips , our mission is to deliver empowering and trustworthy content on beauty, health, and wellness to women globally. We are dedicated to providing fresh, accurate, and actionable information, helping women lead healthier and happier lives.

Funding Sources and Editorial Independence Our operations are funded through advertisements, affiliate programs, and sponsored content. This financial support enables us to enhance our website, invest in our team, and utilize advanced technology, ensuring an exceptional experience for our readers. Importantly, our editorial integrity remains intact; we do not permit external influences to sway our content creation process.

Advertisement Acceptance and Display Guidelines

  1. Ad Selection Control: VeryWellTips exclusively decides the types and placement of ads. We reserve the right to refuse, withdraw, or modify advertisements at any time, providing prompt notification and rationale to the advertiser.
  2. Non-Endorsement of Products: While we feature product ads and links, this does not imply endorsement of the product, service, or the producing company.
  3. Prohibited Advertisements: We reject ads that are:
    • Illegal, deceptive, or offensive.
    • Promoting hatred, discrimination, or violence.
    • Infringing on intellectual property rights.
    • Associated with alcohol, tobacco, firearms, gambling, pornography, or similar areas.
    • Misleading or resembling editorial content.
  4. Clear Distinction of Ads: Advertisements on VeryWellTips are distinctly marked, and clicking them redirects to the advertiser’s site.
  5. Sponsored Content Transparency:
    • Sponsored Content: Authored by VeryWellTips on relevant topics, labeled “Sponsored” or “Sponsored by [Advertiser].”
    • Brand Pages: Hosted by VeryWellTips but not editorially reviewed, labeled “Sponsored by [Brand].”
    • Partnered Content: Co-developed with brands, following editorial guidelines, and labeled with the brand logo and “Created in partnership with [Brand].”
    • Native Ads: Within articles, linking to VeryWellTips or external content, clearly labeled as sponsored.
    • Social Media Ads: Marked with “#ad”, “#sponsored”, or “#partnerpromotion” on our social channels.
  6. Affiliate Content Clarity: VeryWellTips may endorse products aligned with our values. Though we receive payments from purchases made through affiliate links, our team ensures these recommendations serve our readers’ best interests. Such content includes the statement: “VeryWellTips and our partners may receive a portion of revenues if you purchase through a link on this page.”

Our commitment to transparent and responsible advertising upholds the trust our readers place in us, ensuring that VeryWellTips remains a reliable and inspiring source for beauty, health, and wellness information.